Your Official FAA US Agent for Service - FAA USAS
Low price, professional, and secure.
Why Choose Us
-Quick and Easy Compliance with US Agent for Service rules
-Over 30 Years of Aviation Experience.
- Dedicated and professional team with an East Coast US location

How it works
Step 1
Choose a membership plan, pay the fee and provide your contact information.
Step 2
Receive an email with detailed instructions on how to register ESA Aviation, Inc. as your US Agent for Service at
Step 3
Designate us as your US Agent for Service at
Step 4
Your FAA mail will be scanned and sent to you via email. You choose whether we securely dispose of it or mail it to you (for a fee).
Step 5
Keep your account active to ensure continuous compliance with 14 CFR 3.301 - 3.303 and update your contact information with us as needed.
About our FAA USAS Service
ESA Aviation, Inc. is dedicated to ensuring you comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 3.301 - 3.303. We serve as your US FAA Agent for Service (FAA USAS), receiving your FAA mail and immediately sending it to you securely via email. We ensure your mail storage and disposal are secure. With over 30 years of experience in aviation, our skilled team delivers exceptional service that prioritizes your continuous compliance with FAA requirements.
For more information on the USAS requirement, please visit
The USAS website is the only acceptable way for individuals to designate a U.S. Agent, per FAA Advisory Circular 3-1.
On October 8, 2024, FAA published U.S. Agents for Service final rule.
On December 30, 2024, the FAA announced that the compliance date for applicants was extended to April 2, 2025. The compliance date for all other individuals remains July 7, 2025.
What is an FAA Agent for Service (FAA USAS)?An FAA Agent for Service (FAA USAS) serves as a registered agent for pilots or other FAA certificate holders who need to comply with the new 14 CFR Part 3 rules. Sign up today to have EAS Aviation, Inc. serve as your FAA USAS.
How does the FAA USAS service offered by EAS Aviation, Inc. work?Individuals who do not have a physical address are required by the FAA to assign a US Agent for Service (FAA USAS) who will receive their official FAA mail and forward it to them. We serve as that registered agent. Simply purchase a plan and designate AES Aviation, Inc. as your FAA USAS on
Why is the FAA USAS service provided by ESA Aviation, Inc. so much less expensive than other options?ESA Aviation, Inc. specializes in FAA US Agent for Service (FAA USAS). All we do is aviation and we take pride in providing FAA certificate holders with the most professional, lowest cost services that ensure you stay in compliance with the FAA USAS rules (14 CFR 3).
What do I need to do to stay in compliance with the FAA USAS rule?Keep your account in good standing by ensuring that your FAA USAS plan is renewed before it expires. Update your payment information if it changes. Also, be sure to update ESA Aviation, Inc. if your contact information changes (email, phone, address) so that we always know how to contact you. ESA Aviation, Inc. is proud to serve as your FAA Agent for Service.
How will I get my mail?ESA Aviation, Inc. will immediately scan and securely send your mail to you electronically via the email you provide during checkout.
Does the fee include physcial delivery of mail?No. Only digital FAA USAS service is included in the fee. You may request that a specific piece of mail be sent to you physically. A fee which represents the cost of postage and handling will be generated. Once you pay this fee, your mail will be sent to the physical address you provide ESA Aviation, Inc.
How much extra does physical mail delivery cost?Currently, the price will be based on actual postage fees to your location plus a $4.99 handling charge.
What happens to my mail once it is sent to me electronically?You choose what happens to your mail once you receive a scan via email. You can choose to have ESA Aviation, Inc. securely dispose (shred) your mail or request that it be physically sent to you as described above. If you do not specify, your mail will be shredded in not less than 15 days from the date received by ESA Aviation, Inc.